Department Of Hematology And CHMO – PGIMER, Chandigarh

Department of Hematology and
Department of Clinical Hematology & Medical Oncology
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh

Abstract Guidelines

Abstract Submission has been closed

General information -

    1. The scientific committee of International Women’s Cancer Summit (a Multidisciplinary Cancer Management course from PGIMER, Chandigarh and ASCO, USA) invites the submission for the upcoming meeting from 1-3rdof December, 2023 at Chandigarh
    2. Registration is mandatory before submission of the abstract – Register here.
    3. The abstract must be submitted online at the submission portal only: Submit Your Abstract Now
    4. Abstracts should be related to oncology i.e Surgical Oncology, medical oncology, radiation oncology, gynaecology pathology, palliative care or hereditary breast and gynaecological cancers. The abstract should be submitted under one of the following sub-categories:
      1. Breast cancer
      2. Cervical cancer
      3. Uterine cancers
      4. Ovarian cancers
      5. Cancer Screening and Early Detection in breast / Gynaecological cancers
      6. Palliative Care / Supportive and Ancillary Care
      7. Others
    1. Original research, trials, reviews, prospective and retrospective series are preferred. Unique Case reports/ series may also be submitted if there is a significant learning point associated with it.
    2. The abstract should not exceed 250 words and should be structured as follows:
      1. Background
      2. Methods
      3. Results
      4. Conclusions
    3. One picture or table is allowed in the abstract
    4. Once the final submission is made under your login ID, no further edits will be entertained.
    5. All abstracts will be evaluated and scored by an expert panel of judges. The committee reserves the right to decide if a submitted abstract should be considered for oral or poster presentation. All decisions made by the expert panel will be final and binding and no disputes in this regard will be entertained.
    6. The presenting author will be notified by email about acceptance and other details.
    7. In case of the author’s unavailability for presentation, one of the co-authors may present the work, provided they register for the conference.
    8. Important dates:
      1. Abstract submission open from: 1stNovember, 2023
      2. Last date of submission: 15rdNovember ,2023
    9. For any queries regarding abstract submission please write to us on following or at

Abstract Submission Form

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Note: Allowed file format should be: .doc | .docm | .docx
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Note: Allowed file format should be: .png | .jpeg | .jpg
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Note: Allowed file format should be: .png | .jpeg | .jpg
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Note: Allowed file format should be: .xlsx | .xlsm | .xlsb | .csv

General information -

  • The oral/poster session is a forum for presenting research findings and must include at least some original new data not previously presented at a national or international meeting. The final decision will be of the scientific committee to decide on the type of presentation.
  • All Abstracts are to be submitted online.
  • The last date for abstract submission is 15th September 2023.
  • Accepted abstracts will be listed on the conference website by 16th September 2023. Abstracts may be withdrawn by written communication via conference email by 15th September 2023.
  • The presenting author of an accepted abstract must register for the conference and is required to be physically present during the designated poster viewing period/oral presentation.
  • The abstract will be reproduced in the conference brochure exactly as submitted and should be proofread before submission.

Abstract format guidelines -

  • Include one subspecialty from the following list according to the topic of your abstract:
    1. Benign hematological disorders- clinical
    2. Benign hematological disorders- laboratory
    3. Malignant hematological disorders- clinical
    4. Malignant hematological disorders- laboratory

  • The abstract is restricted to a maximum of 300 words (excluding the title of the abstract, name of the author(s), and affiliation(s)). It should include Objectives, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. The font type should be Arial, and the font size should be 11.

  • Graphs/line art may be submitted with a maximum file size of 10 MB and a minimum of 300 dpi resolution. They are allowed in the following formats: PNG, GIF, and JPG.
    1. Tables are allowed with a maximum size of 10 columns x 10 rows. Characters in the table will NOT count towards your 300-word count.
    2. The abstract may contain two (2) graphics.

Note: Abstract submission has been closed now!

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