Department Of Hematology And CHMO – PGIMER, Chandigarh

Department of Hematology and
Department of Clinical Hematology & Medical Oncology
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh

Pediatrics Hematology-Oncology Out Patient Services

The PHO unit runs the following out-patient clinics:

Clinic Days Registration Timings Room No
Pediatric Hematology Clinic (PHC) Tuesdays 8-11 Am 3APC 4D
Pediatric Oncology Clinic (POC) Fridays 8-11 AM & 2-3.30 PM APC 4D
If you are visiting the Advanced Pediatrics Center, PGIMER, for the first time, you should make a pediatric general medicine OPD card. The Pediatric medicine OPD is run daily (except for Sundays and holidays listed on the PGIMER website). The doctors from the pediatric medicine OPD will initiate appropriate baseline investigations in discussion with the pediatric Hematology oncology team and refer you to clinics as per the requirements. After referral, you will be registered in one of the above clinics as applicable.

Pediatrics hematology lab services:

The advanced pediatric hematology lab provides the following services

  1. Complete blood counts with advanced red cell, white cell, and platelet parameters.
  2. Serum iron profile
  3. Serum methotrexate levels monitoring
  4. Facility to store DNA for patients and parents for future analysis.
  5. Next-generation sequencing for Inherited bone marrow failure syndromes.
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