Department Of Hematology And CHMO – PGIMER, Chandigarh

Department of Hematology and
Department of Clinical Hematology & Medical Oncology
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh

Laboratory Services offered by
Department of Hematology

PGIMER Research A Block (Anand Building), Fifth Floor

Blood and Marrow morphology (Room No. H-12)

Bone marrow aspiration and trephine biopsy

Bone marrow/ blood cell cytochemistry

Complete blood count (CBC)/(hemogram/smear/reticulocyte count etc.)

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)

Immunohistochemistry (per antibody)

Peripheral smear (blood film morphology) 

Body fluid analysis (Room No. 125, New OPD and Room No. 24, EMOPD, Nehru Hospital)

CSF cell count and microscopic examination

Urine chemistry

Urine microscopy

Coagulation (Room No. H-7)

ADAMTS-13 activity assay by CLIA

Anti Beta 2 glycoprotein-1 (GP1)

Anti cardiolipin antibody

Anti-thrombin-III assay

Anti Xa assay for heparin

Coagulation screen-PT APTT fibrinogen

Correction studies in coagulation

D-dimer assay quantitative    

Factor ii assay

Factor inhibitor

Factor ix assay

Factor v assay

Factor vii assay

Factor viii assay

Factor x assay

Factor xi assay

Factor xiii antigen assay

Fibrinogen assay

Flow cytometric assay for platelet function disorders

Hemophilia – DNA diagnosis

Inhibitor screen


Lupus anticoagulant

Platelet function test/ platelet aggregation studies

Platelets associated antibody

Protein C

Protein S

Prothrombin time 


Ristocetin cofactor activity (RICOF)

Screening of heparin induced thrombocytopenia antibody (HIT-IGG) assay

Von willebrand antigen assay (VWF antigen)

Von willebrand factor- collagen binding assay

Cytogenetics (Room No. H-9)

Chromosomal breakage studies from peripheral blood

FISH panel i for Hematology-single probe

FISH panel ii for Hematology-two/ three probe

FISH panel iii for Hematology- four or more probes or on sorted cells

Flow Cytometry (Room No. H-4)

Extended panel per monoclonal instead of flow cytometric immunophenotyping individual monoclonal antibody

Flow cytometric assay for minimal residual disease

Flow cytometric assay for paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)

Flow cytometric ema dye binding assay for hereditary spherocytosis

Flow cytometric enumeration of hematopoietic stem cells

Flow cytometric immunophenotyping for leukemia/lymphoma

Flow cytometric osmotic fragility test

Flow cytometric test for G6PD deficiency

Flow cytometry for DNA index

Flow cytometry for platelet function defect

Hemolytic and Nutritional Anemia (Room No. H-16)

Auto haemolysis

Coombs’ test

Foetal haemoglobin

G6PD enzyme activity assay

G6PD screening test

Ham’s test

Heinz bodies

Hemoglobin electrophoresis and high performance liquid chromatography 

Incubated osmotic fragility (RBC)

Iron profile including Ferritin, Serum iron, TIBC

Met-haemoglobin estimation

Nutritional anemia profile: Serum Iron, TIBC, Transferrin saturation, Ferritin, B12 and  Folate assay

Osmotic fragility (RBC)

Presumptive test of hemolysis (plasma hemoglobin)

Presumptive test of hemolysis (urine hemoglobin)

Reticulocyte count

Screening for thalassemias & hemoglobinopathies by HPLC

Sickling test

Sucrose lysis test

Unstable hemoglobins

Urine hemosiderin


Molecular Hematology (Room No. H-10/H-14)

Antenatal diagnosis of Hemoglobinopathies(e.g. Thalassemia) and inherited bleeding disorders (e.g. Hemophilia )

Chimerism analysis by DNA sequencer

Copy number variation by MLPA

Digital droplet PCR testing

DNA-based mutation detection in thalassemia

DNA-based mutation testing for single gene disorders

DNA-based mutation testing in leukemia (per mutation)

Fragment analysis for single gene mutation

Fragment analysis for two gene mutation

IGHV gene mutation status

Immunoglobulin receptor clonality analysis

Lineage specific chimerism by DNA sequencer

Microarray high sensitivity

Microarray medium sensitivity

Molecular testing by real time quantitative PCR (rq-PCR) in leukemia

Molecular testing by reverse transcriptase PCR (rt-PCR) in leukemia

Next generation sequencing for hematological disorders

Sanger sequencing 2-4 reaction bidirectional

Sanger sequencing 5-10 reaction bidirectional

Sanger sequencing single reaction bidirectional

TCR gene rearrangement

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